Ide Drives The Community

We are proud to be a part of the community we drive.

The Ide Family of Dealerships takes pride in giving back to the communities that have made our dealerships successful since 1970. We have a long legacy of serving and supporting the local organizations that are integral to the community where we all live, work and enjoy our friends, family and pets. For three generations, the Ide family has been given the opportunity to provide top-notch automobile services to this community, and we believe in giving back to it. We place value in supporting organizations that relate to research & education, arts & culture, family, and health.

Throughout the year, we support hundreds of different organizations through volunteerism, fundraising, cash and in-kind donations. Here are just a few of our major sponsorships:

Research & Education

Autism Up

Camp Puzzle Peace Inc

Rochester Regional Health Neuroscience

Bivona Child Advocacy Center

Penfield High School Car Giveaway


Arts & Culture

Penfield Dance Team


Draper Center

Artists Unlimited


Gates Chili Colorguard

Fairport Oktoberfest


Family & Sports

Fire Hockey

Rochester Community Inclusive Rowing


Penfield Little League


Doug Miller Family Sports Dome

Cameron Community Ministries

Super City

Heritage Christian Stables

Children Awaiting Parents

Roc Holiday Village




Shepherd Home

Gilda’s Club